
Die Deutschen sind ein gemeingefährliches Volk: Sie ziehen unerwartet ein Gedicht aus der Tasche und beginnen ein Gespräch über Philosophie.

Heinrich Heine, 13.12.1797 - 17.02.1856

Montag, 29. Juli 2013

my little angel

I saw you in the past
I see you now
I will see you in the future
my little angel
I see you all the time
but do you see me
do you notice me
do you know that I exist
do you know anything about me
do you know what I feel
I want to believe at you
I want that you are next to me
I want that you see me
I want to live with you
but this is only a wish
you are my little wish
my little dream in bad times
my little hope for the future
a ghost in my head
but nothing more

Freitag, 26. Juli 2013

an old friend

so many days ago
the time is running
to fast for me
to fast for us
in the past we understand us blind
we talked about everything
we had no secrets
we had so much fun
but now the life change
you go your way
i go my way
but the ways are different
sometimes we talk
but not so often as in the past
and not so long
what is happened
do we something wrong
i don't think so
can we change it again
i want the old life back